Order Recall

This article applies only to delivery to consumers.

Order Recall

You can cancel the order within 14 days. During this period you can do all that is reasonably necessary in order to evaluate the product. It is permitted to try out the product as you would do in a the actual store. In addition, you can get the product out of the package unless(!) the package contains of CDs, DVDs, Blu-Ray discs or software packed with a seal.

The order return period will expire 14 days after the day you or a designated third party received the product.

If your order contains goods with different delivery times, the order return period shall expire 14 days after the day you received the final part of your order.

To make use of the order return right, we ask you to send us an e-mail including the standard Order Recall form to contact@sb-a.nl.

In case of order cancellation, we ask you to return the product in the original packaging.


When you make the order cancellation, you receive all payments back, including any delivery charges within 14 days. We will make a refund with the same payment method that you used, unless another method has been agreed with us.

You have to pay the shipping fee of the returning products. The approximate cost is usually about 15€.

Depreciation in value

If this is a service, the period of use can be charged. The product damage can also cause the fall in value.

Order recall exclusions

  • Services started with the consumer’s consent (fore example, book the trip, subscribe to download the e-book, movie, CD, etc.);
  • Products that are made to your specifications (like a web-site);
  • Products that spoil quickly or have a limited “shelf life” (such as SSL-certificate);
  • Items that cannot be returned for hygiene reason (such as cleaning products);
  • Software products with broken seal packaging;
  • Business customers.

Order Recall Form

You can download the Order Recall Form here.